(September 4, 2024) Upcoming MWHC artist Malynda Madzel recently reflected on her unlikely path to becoming an artist in her 70s: “My journey into abstract painting began over 50 years ago, without a paint brush or a color chart anywhere in my line of vision. I did not even know what a palette knife was. I always loved looking at art, but could not draw, watercolor or anything else. Stick figures were a challenge. I also loved crafts. My mother and grandmother were expert quilters, seamstresses and embroiderers but me? Nothing. I just knew I loved and appreciated the finished products and intense, bright colors.”
A paint-by-numbers kit purchased on a lark during the pandemic awakened her sense of creativity for abstract drawing. Encouraged by friends, she bought materials from chain stores and launched her into her unique creative path of orginal abstracts. Now Malynda is a locally recognized artist who brings color and joy to all who view and purchase her work.