MWHC’s board members, executive director and volunteers made these things happen this past year:
Added HERstory to history to tell OUR story
- Produced free online and/or in-person programs: Memories, Stories and Found Objects from the Woman’s Industrial Exchange; A Conversation with Shabnam Samuel, founder of The Panchgani Writer’s Retreat in India; Fascinating Women Buried in Baltimore’s Historic Cemeteries; Lucille Clifton Legacy and The Clifton House; Women Rising: Stories of Strength, Courage and Resistance; Women with Wings; Tea with Maryland Suffragists & Activists; Become a Citizen Researcher
- Collaborated with community partners to produce other virtual events: SHE Matters: An Update on the ERA (and how you can help) with Maryland Equal Rights Action Network; Porch Talks about Harford County Suffragists with Liriodendron Mansion, Bel Air; Empowering Our Freedoms, Protecting Us All: The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) & You with Maryland NOW; Evolution of Media in the Riot Grrrl Movement: Fanzines & Social Media Activism with Maryland Humanities
Researched and celebrated the history of Baltimore’s Woman’s Industrial Exchange (WIE)
With grant support from the Baltimore National Heritage Area, MWHC Board Secretary Dr. Amy Rosenkrans researched the history of this Baltimore landmark and assembled forgotten artifacts/documents.
Outcomes of the project included virtual and onsite programs that featured history and artifacts as well as a new website, Baltimore Woman’s Industrial Exchange that chronicles the project.
An important component of this project was the research and work of three Notre Dame of Maryland Univeristy’s Morrissy Honors Program interns.
Continued our successful Women’s Artist Exhibition series
- 2024 artists were: Nancy Rando Healing Expressions Photography; Ava Dennis (acrylics); Annie Simcoe (FarmHERS, mixed media/fiber); Malynda Madzel (abstract expressionism); Sandy K. Cummings, (mixed media collages); Christina Delgado, Puerto Rican Culture in Baltimore and Through Her Lens: Kalin Thomas’ International Travel Photography
- The women’s artist series continued to feature a diverse collection of artwork by women who hail from many Maryland communities. The exhibition is displayed in the display window of the MWHC meeting venue on Charles Street. A free artist reception, open to the public, launches each exhibition
Maintained and developed community partnerships to better tell stories of Maryland’s women
- Active partnerships include Edgar Allan Poe House & Museum, Charles Street Partnership and Maryland Legislative Agenda for Women
- Joined with other women’s organizations to co-sign a letter to Maryland State Legislators that urged them to introduce and adopt a resolution in the 2024 General Assembly that clearly affirms the legislature’s view that the federal Equal Rights Amendment is valid and should finally be published as a part of the United States Constitution. The MWHC provided historical precedent to this letter by providing previously unknown information about a similar resolution in 1961
- Takes part each year in Bmore Historic Unconference and shared progress on the Woman’s Industrial Exchange project
- Participated in National Historic Marker Day in collaboration with the William G. Pomeroy Foundation, which funded the 10 historical suffrage markers in Maryland. MWHC provided the research and coordination for the installation of these markers
- Donated the Maryland Women’s Hall of Fame exhibit to Notre Dame of Maryland University. The exhibit is now in a specially designed area in the university’s Knott Science and Innovation Center and now inspires an upcoming generation of young women. MWHC donated the exhibit since its increasing size had outgrown our venue space
- Established a Legacy Fund to support future sustainability. The Community Foundation of Howard County (CFHC) administers the fund.
Updated and developed new digital ways to share women’s stories
- Redesigned and updated our website with features that allow users to easily navigate and learn about women’s stories and MWHC events and news
- Launched Maryland HERstory Minute, regular online short videos about women of interest
- Launched a monthly e-newsletter, featuring women of the past and present
- Hired a contractor to edit and archive old videos, many of which feature interviews with Maryland women of importance who are no longer living
- Initiated a comprehensive history and accomplishments of the MWHC since its founding in 2010 for permanent archiving
MWHC concluded a two-year project to uncover and save forgotten history of the Woman’s Industrial Exchange
Please click on the gallery to enlarge photos and read captions.
Honor Maryland’s valiant suffragists. Vote!
In photos: A look back from another year as Maryland’s only nonprofit dedicated to telling and preserving women’s stories
Please click on the gallery to enlarge photos and read captions.
Maryland HERstory Minute Goes Live in 2024:
See Billy Holiday by Kalin Thomas, MWHC VP of Communications
Annie Simcoe’s quilted paper art was an ode to farmHERS in Mountain Maryland
Annie Simcoe, a Mountain Maryland artist and farmer, celebrated farmHERS with paper art made from materials she grows or gathers.