Marietta Scully

Marietta Scully is my friend, neighbor and inspiration. She has supported me through difficult times as I care for my mother in my home and eventful times as I work in the field of cable TV, hosting “It’s A Woman’s World”. Marietta Took care of...

Margery Stulman

Of the many elderly women I know, I most enjoy the delightful company of Margery Stulman. Margy participates in the same writing class I am in at the Myerberg Senior Center. Her writing and thoughts show wisdom of years, yet always exhibit a positive and cheerful...

Jessica Cottrell

Jessica Cottrell was the 2008 winner of Woman Talk Live’s Girls Gone Great Scholarship Essay Contest. She was seventeen at the time, a senior at Patapsco High School and Center for Performing Arts in Dundalk, Baltimore County. Ms. Cottrell enjoys art,...