Our Unsung Heroines

Sharon Keiger

Sharon Keiger works at the Samaritan Community. She helps families that are in need and are in...

Marie Bandiere

Marie Bandiere is an inspiration and mentor to other women and was a trailblazer for professional...

Arlene Kaye Berlin

While her name is and was familiar to prominent political figures like Vice President Al Gore,...

Mildred Rigby

JUST A FEW WORDS FOR MOMMA By Stanley W. Rigby I began this eulogy for my mother, Mrs. Mildred...

Polly J. Hanst

Polly J. Hanst is from Garrett County. All her life, she was active in 4-H programs where she...

Mildred Morris

Mildred Morris, my grandmother, is much on my mind even though she has been gone for many, many...

Mary Ruff Brush

Mary Ruff Brush, owned and managed North Baltimore's Broadview Apartments for sixty years at a...

Marietta Scully

Marietta Scully is my friend, neighbor and inspiration. She has supported me through difficult...

Margery Stulman

Of the many elderly women I know, I most enjoy the delightful company of Margery Stulman. Margy...

Jessica Cottrell

Jessica Cottrell was the 2008 winner of Woman Talk Live's Girls Gone Great Scholarship Essay...