Bolton Hill Blue Plaque Program
Bolton Hill has a Blue Plaque Program, similar to those in many other cities. Neighbors research to find famous people who lived in our neighborhood homes. Then they offered blue plaques which they attached outside near the front door stating what famous person(s) had lived there. They aren’t Beyonce or the Beatles, but famous nonetheless in science, literature, education, etc.
To view the 5 minute video:
The Women of Bolton Hill’s Blue Plaque Program
2020 Valiant Women of the Vote
Education Connection
Lesson Plans, Printable Handouts that can be converted for electronic use.
Please use this link
All courtesy of the
National Women’s History Alliance
Historical documents and photographs from the libraries and historical societies of Allegany, Garrett and Washington Counties, Maryland.
The collection dealing with women’s suffrage in Western Maryland is now available online. Please click on this link and enjoy reading about the suffrage contributions by the women in Western Maryland.
“Standing on the Shoulders: is a musical trilogy about Harriet Tubman, “Mother” Jones and Woodie Guthrieand is written by Joe DeFilippo and performed by the R.J. Phillips Band, a group of Baltimore musicians. Joe DeFilippo: vocals, piano, bass guitar; Sue Tice: fiddle; Bill Phelan: mandolin, banjo, acoustic guitar; Leslie Darr, background vocals. Produced & recorded by: Bill Pratt at the Bratt Studio, Baltimore, MD.
Please CLICK HERE to listen to this wonderful song.
Please enjoy reading “Black Women and the Vote: Lifting as we Climb” – Courtesy of author, Jean Thompson
Please CLICK HERE for the story
Enjoy reading The National Women’s History Alliance “Gazette” Volume II –
As recommended by The Power of the Women’s Vote panel on September 22, 2018. A resource of interest to everyone that needs absentee voting information;
Please use this link for information: https://elections.maryland.gov/voting/absentee.html
Below is a list of national resources and resources from the State of Maryland of interest to women and girls.
Click this link: MCW-Listening-Tour-Report-FINAL to read about the “VOICES OF MARYLAND WOMEN” and see the Maryland Commission for Women “Listening Tour” results.
Please CLICK HERE for Heritage Trail poster
How Women Won the Vote Gazette with many interesting articles. Courtesy of the National Women’s History Project. Gazette_How-Women-Won-Vote-
How Women Won the Vote and Planning for 2020. Courtesy of the National Women’s History Project. How Women Won the Vote Volume 2 2018
NHA / NHA Foundation
The National Humanities Alliance (NHA) is a nationwide coalition of organizations advocating for the humanities on campuses, in communities, and on Capitol Hill. Founded in 1981, NHA is supported by over 200 member organizations, including: colleges, universities, libraries, museums, cultural organizations, state humanities councils, and scholarly, professional, and higher education associations. It is the only organization that brings together the US humanities community as a whole.
The National Humanities Alliance Foundation (NHA Foundation) is the 501(c)(3) supporting foundation of the National Humanities Alliance. The NHA Foundation advances the humanities by conducting and supporting research on the humanities and communicating the value of the humanities to a range of audiences including elected officials and the general public.
For more information about this project contact Daniel Fisher at dfisher@nhalliance.org.- and please visit:
51 Monroe Street #1034
Rockville, MD 20850
The Maryland Commission for Women collaborates with the Maryland State Department of Education in coordinating the Maryland Women’s History Project and with the Women Legislators of Maryland in coordinating the Maryland Women’s Hall of Fame. The Commission also honors young female leaders in a Women of Tomorrow project, and is a partner in the Maryland Women’s Heritage Center. Its goals are to promote the social, political, and economic equality for Maryland women.
Allegany County Commission for Women
30 Washington Street
Cumberland, Maryland 21502
Anne Arundel County Commission for Women
P.O. Box 59
Gambrills, MD 21054
Baltimore City Commission for Women
City Hall · 100 N. Holliday Street · Suite 124
Baltimore, Maryland 21202
Baltimore County Commission for Women
400 Washington Avenue · Court House Suite 124
Towson, Maryland 21204
Calvert County Commission for Women
175 Main Street Prince
Prince Frederick, Maryland 20678
Cecil County Commission for Women
129 East Main Street
Elkton, Maryland 21921
Charles County Commission for Women
P.O. Box 2150
La Plata, Maryland 20646
Frederick County Commission for Women
12 East Church Street · Winchester Hall
Frederick, Maryland 21701
Garrett County Commission for Women
P.O. Box 623
Oakland, Maryland 21550
Harford County Commission for Women
319 S. Main Street · Suite 307
Bel Air, Maryland 21014
Howard County Commission for Women
6751 Columbia Gateway Drive · Suite 300
Columbia, Maryland 21046
Montgomery County Commission for Women
401 North Washington Street · Suite 100
Rockville, Maryland 20850
Prince George’s County Commission for Women
6420 Allentown Road
Camp Springs, Maryland 20748
St. Mary’s County Commission for WomenP.O. Box 653
Leonardtown, Maryland 20650
301-475-4200, ext. 1846
Washington County Commission for Women
100 W. Washington Street
Hagerstown, Maryland 21740
Worcester County Commission for Women
P.O. Box 126 Winchester Hall
Snow Hill, Maryland 21863
MARYLAND FEDERATION OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL WOMENThe Maryland Federation of Business & Professional Women was established in 1929 as a not-for-profit profit, nonpartisan, and nonsectarian association. BPW/MD promotes equity for all women in the workplace through advocacy, education, and information.
201 West Monument Street • Baltimore, Maryland 2120
The Maryland Historical Society collects, preserves, and interprets the objects and artifacts that reflect the state’s history. The collections contain the papers of many notable Maryland women. Also available are traveling resource kits and historical interpreters who present programs on Maryland women. County and city historical societies provide information about Maryland women’s contributions in specific regions.
350 Rowe Boulevard
Annapolis, Maryland 21401
The Archives is the official historical agency for the state. An on-line catalogue of holdings is available on the website. The Research On-line Division has such topics as “A Celebration of the Diversity of Women,” and “The Maryland Women’s Hall of Fame On-Line.”