Mabelle Fisher

Mabelle Fisher was a wife, mother, and grandmother who dedicated herself to those important roles. She had six grandchildren and was a treasure to them all. Describing “Mom Mom” in only those terms, however, tells just a fraction of her story. As well, she was a...

The Woman’s Industrial Exchange

The Woman’s Industrial Exchange in Baltimore City began shortly after the Civil War in the home of Mrs. G. Harmon Brown, where women brought their handwork to be sold to local citizens and visitors. The Maryland State Legislator incorporated the organization in 1882...

Girls Mean Business

Worcester Country School’s “Girls Mean Business” program’s purpose is to encourage girls to realize that they can succeed in fields traditionally dominated by men. Beginning at the middle school age, a decline in interest in mathematics, science, and technology is...

Eusebia A. Geluz

Eusebia A. Geluz helped children safely cross the street near Green Valley Elementary School for twenty years. She loved the kids. After her own children were grown, she took on the job and “neat” uniform of a crossing guard, where she would see 350 children daily....

Patricia Maurer

For many years now, Patricia Maurer has introduced the philosophy of the National Federation of the Blind (NFB) to thousands of people around the State of Maryland and abroad through countless speaking engagements and numerous tours of the National Center for the...