Our Unsung Heroines

Greta Willis

A Woman of Strength: What can I say about Mrs. Greta Willis? She is an inspiring woman that speaks...

Medha Reddy

Medha Reddy has strived to give back to her community since her early elementary school years. By...

Cheryl L. Monroe

Mrs. Monroe was the Vice President of Supplier Diversity and Vendor Development for Macy’s East....

Ivory N. Sanders

SP5, Ivory N. Sanders, served in the United State Army from January 1979 to January 1985. As one...

Mabelle Fisher

Mabelle Fisher was a wife, mother, and grandmother who dedicated herself to those important roles....

Eusebia A. Geluz

Eusebia A. Geluz helped children safely cross the street near Green Valley Elementary School for...

Patricia Maurer

For many years now, Patricia Maurer has introduced the philosophy of the National Federation of...