Come together to talk about women and caregiving

(November 11, 2024) In honor of National Family Caregivers Month, join us Wednesday 11/20 at 6pm for a virtual discussion, Caring for Caregivers, on the challenges of women & caregiving. Our Board VP of Communications Kalin Thomas, a former family caregiver of her...

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For artist Sandy K. Cummings, summer is never over

(November 4, 2024) Sandy K Cummings’ collection of colorful and expressive collages features flowers from her summer garden. From a distance the collages look like paintings, but upon closer inspection, the keen observer will discover that the images are made of...

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Acrylic artist Malynda Madzel found her new calling at 76

(September 4, 2024) Upcoming MWHC artist Malynda Madzel recently reflected on her unlikely path to becoming an artist in her 70s: "My journey into abstract painting began over 50 years ago, without a paint brush or a color chart anywhere in my line of vision. I did...

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Do you love women’s history as much as we do?

(July 1, 2024) Connect with us to see how you can help us add "HERstory to history to tell OUR story." We are looking for volunteers to join us in finding and saving the stories of Maryland's memorable women, past and present. E-mail, text or call Executive Director...

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